Archive for the 'Luca' Category

59 Sounds


This is my favorite song


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Here is a song from U2  and this my  best  out of u2.

By Luca

a made up story.

One day pig who want’s to go in the deep dark wood but his mum didn’t let but one day at night he try to get outside and he did so when coss the road he saw some footsteep he wasn’t shy THEN he saw a very big dog what was a monsterso he didn’t tuch it  so then somthing came down and attaked him.

to be contenued 🙂


This is a song at waiata tama  and it a good song to sing.

by Luca


This is  people what  get worried this bigfoot video funny but he get worried too. Here i is.

hope you like it.

Talking tree down

Today me and Nico playing but then dad came and told me to help him talk down the tree what my mum didn’t want there we took down 3 tree down two of them we about 2 m long and the other one is about 1 m  I asks if we could make a tree house but dad said no because we haven’t got an more wood to make a tree house. So then we got the tree and make stuff that Nico want to have in his room what I didn’t  like becase they were just tree what look very fun i his room. Then when nico went outside he got hurt no the tamp.

the end

A bad day yesterday

Thursday 14th of October was not a great day for me! I was doing PE when I fell  over at school I went to whites cross I had a x-ray , my mum felt sick from looking at the x-ray as the break was very bad, so they told me to go to star ship because I broke two bones , they are both  on my wrists one on each side.  When I got to star ship we gave forms to the nurse at the desk they put me in a big room which had two chair  and a bed . A  nurse came and  gave me some medicine to have up my nose.  The medicine was nice and made me feel better.  Then they gave me some laughing gas if you breathe deep  you sound like a pig. It was very funny , my mum was laughing at me and taking photos.  After that they put a needle in my arm and then I just had to wait for a while.  A lady came in and gave me a tv & dvd to watch, it was superman.

Then I had to be wheeled to another room,by Tony the DR.  Their wer two other ds there who were going to fix my arm and put a cast on.  They gave me some more drugs and this made me go to sleep with my eyes open which my mum found very freaky. The other dr then pulled and twisted my arm back into place and put on a cast.  I could not feel anything and got a surprise when I woke up to find my arm in a cast.  My dad was there then aswell.

When I woke up I felt like I was spinning around but I was when I got back in my room I watch the rest of my movie I had 11 more episode to watch and I’ve watched 18. My dad when to get some food for me because I had not had food since breakfast but they said I had to have to have a x-ray before I had food but they let me have an ice block when I was watching the movie what was nice because I was very hungry then a DR came to take me to the x-ray room I had two x-ray but they are still bad but one 86% and the other one is 20% what is bad.

Then I was allowed to have my subway sandwich and some lemonade and they said we could go home.  When we got home is was 5.30.  I had been there for 6hrs a very long time. When we were going we had to pick up  my mum car what was at whites cross but my dad went in my mum car because he was  going to give  some money to them for letting me go in the wheel chair what was very fun to go in after my dad he went to go get Macdonld for me to have for dinner that was nice then I sat down and watch the news with out my mum or dad watching it but I can go back to the start of the video.

It will be good to come back to school on Monday and have my friends sign my big white cast.

by Luca 😦  😦  😦  😦  😦  😦  😦  😦

ps:I woke up at 1:00 am what is very awesome.

Who want’s to sign my cast . post comments if you want too I think I will have a lot of signs I bet

What do you call cool?

What words do you use when things are cool?  Who want’s to have a vote?

By Luca

Cristiano Ronaldo free kick.

This Cristiano Rinaldo free kick from out of the box that why I(Luca) like’s this video because I like soccer  and I am good at it.

I hope every one like it.

By Luca

Best goal in history

This is the best goal in history it got shot from  half way it was done by  Leon Messe in 1982.

I really want to do all of the goal in the video.

By Luca.:-) 🙂 :-):-)

funny bit’s of soccer

This song is very funny because soccer is very funny because once in my game someone got kick in the fact what was very funny.

by Luca. 🙂 :-). That me.

billie jean


gummy bear song

this is a song of the gummy bear song.

Click play to for the song to play.

If i had you

here is a video about Adam lambert.

By Luca

Stand up

Here is the all whites supporters song.

by Luca


Here is Stan walker unbroken.

I hope everyone like’s it.

by Luca


will you enjoy this video’s if you do like them or love them tail me on my comments

This is a funny video of people. I HOPE YOU LIKE IT.

by Luca

made up story

One day there was big fat bear. It’s name was Lulu he was so sad but one day there a man and an other bear with the man they saw him and took him to the vet to see if it was a girl or a boy it was a boy so the man took him to his house he had a good day and the bear was a girl they got in love they got two baby boys to look after now.

by Luca and Noah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

acostic poem

Loves soccer

Use thing nicely

Comes in every day and be nice to people

Aawesome art maker

By LUCA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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