Archive Page 2



Missi all 47 goals

This is Missi scoring 47 goals

our storybird this is our story bird

Diamante Poems

We are learning to read and write poetry. Here is a link to our class activity on Diamante Poems:


this is thomas the tank engine

i have a new tv.

I have a new tv and its cool as!

from sam

Our Learning Celebration!

Welcome to our online celebration of learning. Please browse our work with us to see our achievements this year!


Play Tutpup with us!

Have a go at Sumdogs

Here are our goals for maths…

Check out our results in our Choice Books!


We have been learning to read newspapers to find out information about the Miners in Chile and the Pike River Mine disaster. Here is our group work:

Our Chilean Miners Reports

We can show you our powerpoints on our student server and will upload them this evening because our network doesn’t let us upload things from school!


We have been learning about persuasive writing. You can find our page of learning here: Persuasive Writing

Here is our group work  where we made advertisements to get our community ready in the event of a natural disaster:

Living and Learning

We worked on our self esteem this year, and confidence. We received compliments that we put into a Wordle. We are still working on this but we have our sheets in our book to work from. Here is the link: Wordles

Here is a Storybird we made about positivity: The Book of Happy Chappies By CS11

Freds christmas music video!


WALT use a map

1. Know how to hold the map so everything is in the right direction (orientate the map
2. Recognise compass directions
3. Check distances
4. Read symbols
5. Read labels
6. Read keys

So far, we have been making a treasure map this week. You will be able to check these out in class next week!

Living and Learning: Self Esteem

We have been learning to build our self esteem

Self esteem is when you value yourself. That means you know you are a special person and that you
can achieve things.

We will know how to build our self esteem when:

1. We can say what we are good at
2. We can say what things are challenging for us
3. We can recognise times that we have been resilient
4. We can change negative thoughts into positive thoughts.

Here is some work we have done on positive thoughts:

The Book of Happy Chappies or the Story of Self Esteem

Our Present Tally So Far

We are collecting presents for our adopted family. So far we have:
Mum: 2
15 year old boy: 2
10 year old girl: 6
18 month old girl: 6

Nice one CS11! Also, one person has brought in money that they earned for the family.

Lukas, the Genius Horse

Check this out!

The Scale of the Universe (how big/tiny things are compared to each other.)

My new christmas tree

I have got a new Christmas tree and it is real. It is really itchy. Our new Christmas tree is a bit small for a Christmas tree.    

                          By taylor

I went to Katys party

in the week I went to Katys party and we went to the pools there was a slide and there wher 3 slide and a diving boad and we went back to katys home and plad it was FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our Grandma is sick

My grandma is sick and she is at my house


59 Sounds


This is my favorite song

Lego e.t katty prerry

here is a funny funny video me dad and mum saw that i loved and i think you will love it too…

here it is : http:///

this is waka waka in chipmunks

hope you like it 🙂 


Get Into It!

Leaving a good comment

1. Be specific. Use words and ideas the writer has used in your comment.

2. Answer a question the writer has asked.

3. Ask the writer a question.

4. Keep it positive!

5. Keep safe! (Visit Hector's World" for safety tips!)

Who visits us?

Want to bike across the Harbour Bridge?

support getacross