Archive for the 'Sam' Category

I’m sick

On thursday i went for a swim and  got a bee sting. it got swolen .So  i stayed home . Two days after i went to the docter. He said  that i’m alergic to bees.  he told me to come back the next day. Then the doctor said if you get red lines up your leg   and something ells i have to go straight to hospital. So i   have to go back tomorrow again. I have to keep my leg elavated hier than my heart. I take 5 medasins a day i’ll see what happends tomorrow about the doctors

jingle bells

here is a chirstmas song 🙂

our storybird this is our story bird

here is a song cald vertigo

Hereis a link to a song that I realy like 

hope you like it 🙂

soccer tounrment

On sunday I had a soccer tounrment. I got down there at 7:30. There was a A team and a B team I was in the B team. I thought we were going to have 4 games but we had five because we got into the plate. But we lost that game. Some one in our team got the trophie for the most goals.

my soccer tournament

on sunday I am having a soccer tournament        we won the plat last time. Luke is in my team. We had pradies on wednesday. At pradice we had 1 on 1 soccer games I won a lot of mine. I hope we win a lot of our games this time!

my handball

On  tuesday I got my handball its got a worrios logoo It was for 5 dollars. At school we are haing a handball compertion I  made it to the second round. I play handball every day or sometimes I pradice it a lot. do anyone ells play handball?

soccer game

On sunday i (sam) had a soccer game. We were versing sunderland.  We won 3 – 0. It was raining so hard that I got socked. I played at the back most of the time. Who  ever got the mudiest got  player of the day. Does anyone else like soccer?

soccer game

Tomorrow I am playing a soccer game. I hope we are playing the ponsonby  ponies. Our last score was 14 0 I scored 6 goals and Luke scored 8 goals. And then I got an up and go.

Playdates rock at Sams!!

Today Luca,Conor,Matthew and James came to Sams house . Conor came a bit late because he had swimming With Lloyd(luke went swimming two lessons after Conor and Lloyd) When Conor got to Sams house Sam,Luca,Matthew and James were on the computer playing Avalanche ( avalanche is a game when the penguin goes on skis dont let the avalanche get you).  After that we played Rubble Trubble and got on to level 9. Now we’re on the blog writing this story. Our favourite thing was this because we like going on the blog and playing games like Rubble Trubble is one of  them.Now we are going home.

by Luca Sam Concon

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Transformers revenge of the fallen

In the start sam in adobots (witch are the godies) goes all crazy because he see’s cimbel’s all over his paper then he almost get tuned into a badie. At the end a  badie sloles a godie but then the godie says your never eating me and kills him and Optimus prime kills star screem then megatron stabs a sord through his heart. The badie hellecopter drops a godie car with godies in it gets drops half way throuth the air.

Protected: I am having a sleep over at sam’s

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I’d rather be…

I’d rather be at clip and climb than school

I’d rather be swimming than sitting around

I’d rather be outside than inside

I’d rather be playing than working

I’d rather be a  bird than a ball

I’d rather be in NZ than in Australia

I’d rather be at home than at war

I’d rather be playing than in bed

I’d rather watching the cup than sleeping

I’d rather have toys than none

I’d rather  be fast than slow

I’d  rather be young than old

I’d rather be Sam than a sandwich!!!

Emotions Poem By Sam


Happiness tastes like dark chocolate.
It smells like white melted ice cream.
It looks like a colourful big rainbow.
It sounds like soft cool music.
It feels soft and comfy.


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